Working on the UNFAO Animated Films project was an incredible experience. Together with a talented team of creative professionals, including expert animator Basim Abu, we collaborated to create a series of four hand-drawn animated films for the International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF) and the Food & Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (UNFAO). The project took several months to complete, and it was both challenging and rewarding.

Throughout the process, we faced some interesting challenges, like diving into the world of animation for the first time. However, the team's combined expertise and determination helped us overcome these obstacles and deliver a final product we were all proud of. The films received positive feedback from the ICSF and UNFAO and successfully raised awareness for small-scale fishworkers' rights and livelihoods.

I thoroughly enjoyed working on this project and learned a lot about the nuances of animation. It's a skill I've continued to develop in my work since.

If you’d like to nerd out on the process we followed, and get a glimpse into what it’s like creating animated films like these, head over to the case study on the TWO Design blog, where we explain every detail.


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